S.W.A.T. Recap 11/12/21: Season 5 Episode 6 Crisis Actor

S.W.A.T. Recap 11/12/21: Season 5 Episode 6 "Crisis Actor"

Tonight on CBS their new show S.W.A.T. inspired by the television series and feature film airs with an all-new Friday, November 12, 2021, episode, and we have your S.W.A.T. recap below. On tonight’s S.W.A.T. season 5 episode 6 called “Crisis Actor,” as per the CBS synopsis, “When armed gunmen storm the set of a controversial cable news show that promotes conspiracy theories, the team races to prevent a hostage situation from escalating on live TV. Also, Chris supports Street as he prepares for his mother’s funeral.”

So make sure to stop by tonight between 10 PM and 11 PM ET for our S.W.A.T. recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, videos, recaps, spoilers, and more, here!

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In tonight’s S.W.A.T. episode, Hondo was being forced out of the job. He upset people by going on record about those racist cops and so now they’re giving him death by a thousand cuts. They were going to make the job intolerable to the point where Hondo would happily quit. But Hondo didn’t want to give them that satisfaction.

He wanted to tough things out. Hondo didn’t want to tell other members of the team because he didn’t want to make this their problem and so Luca did it for him. Luca informed Deac. The two of them came up with a plan and they were hoping it would work. They were going to try and persuade Sanchez into believing nothing he did would ever force Hondo out. They figure Sanchez would move onto an easier target once he saw the truth for himself.

Sanchez was only doing what he’s doing because he was promised a job in the Governor’s detail. He wanted the quickest route to promotion and he wouldn’t stay with the team if Hondo prolonged this fight. Sanchez would quickly find another route. Luca and Deac were still working out a plan when they responded to a shooting and they came upon a scene at the local news station.

A trio of men took media figure, Tripp Hirsch. They hated Hirsch because he claimed a school shooting was a hoax and he somehow managed to convince people that it was all made up. Several children died in the shooting. Two of the three men were fathers and their children died in the shooting. They went on the show because they wanted to force them to tell the truth about the shooting.

It turns out things didn’t just stop once Hirsch claimed it was a hoax. People began trolling the families of the victims and they’ve been harassed for months on end on top of losing children. The children that died weren’t even teenagers. They were six-year-olds. They were babies. Their deaths are tragic and instead Hirsch or better yet his producer decided to use to make name for themselves.

They weren’t considered credible news. They were conspiracy theorists and things took a turn south when one of the hostages tried to use her own gun to take out the trio. She was shot. She could die and so all she did was force two of the men to flee while wounding the third. The third guy was attempting to kill himself when Chris talked him down.

Hirsch’s people decided to film the whole thing. They kept it alive until SWAT told them to turn the cameras and his people turned those same cameras right back on when their backs were turned. But Hirsch didn’t care about his newfound fame. He felt guilty about lying about the school shooting when he knew for a fact it was real and so he thought the shooting was them reaping what they sowed. His producer on the other hand wanted to milk the experience. He even approached Chris about coming on the show because fans thought she looked hot in her uniform and he was surprised she shut it down. Chris doesn’t care about fans or her “following”. She does her job because it matters and Chris also hated the shooting. She was for stricter gun laws.

Most cops were. They were for them because it would cut down on the people trying to shoot them and so Chris hated Hirsch’s show. She also took a dislike to his producer. Chris and Street later talked about it. They also discussed his mother. Street wasn’t sure if he should have a funeral or not and Chris told him he should go through with one. She said she always regretted not saying goodbye at her own mother’s funeral. Her mother had died in a drunk driving accident and Chris was so mad at her mom that she ran away from the funeral. Its her biggest regret. She told Street to go ahead with a funeral and Tan told him not do it. He remembers his father’s funeral. It was a huge affair and Tan had wished to grieve alone as a family. And he hated catering to everyone else.

Street was still working out what to do when they were once called back into the field. One of them who had gotten away was Arnold Boseman and he was apparently once a conspiracy theorist. He thought the shooting was also a hoax until he went to the town affected by this shooting. He met everyone and he knew those children really did die. Arnold’s wife left him with the two kids when he began going down the rabbit hole and so he blames Hirsch for that. He thinks Hirsch cost him his family with his lies. It’s why he was helping the grieving fathers in getting revenge. Arnold has military experience and he used that. He tried to go after Hirsch again and he almost killed his producer when Chris killed Arnold.

The producer again asked Chris to be on the show. But she blew him off. She also told Hirsch that him quitting his job now was like an arsonist regretting to play with matches because he almost died in the fire he set and so his resignation doesn’t mean a thing now.

Luca and Deac also found a way to push Sanchez into taking a private security job. It convinced Hicks that he should defend his team and so he reinstated Hondo as the team lead. And later the team attended Street’s private funeral for his mother.

