Hugh Jackman Gay Rumors Won't End so His Wife Spoke Up

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There have been Hugh Jackman gay rumors circulating for basically as long as his career, and his wife has now addressed the rumors head on.

Devan McGuinness - AuthorBy

Sep. 29 2020, Updated 7:05 p.m. ET

There are some rumors that follow Hollywood stars for their entire career. Sometimes the rumors turn out to be true and other times it's never understood where the whole idea began in the first place. For Hugh Jackman, rumors of him being gay have followed him his entire career, and his wife has had enough and addressed them in her latest interview. 

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Hugh Jackman gay rumors have been around for a long time.

Hugh Jackman has been asked numerous times if he's gay after rumors started circulating early in his now long career. He has spoken about these rumors several times in the past, including a 2013 interview he gave with 60 Minutes. The Wolverine star said that, in his opinion, these speculations about a celebrity's life are not the most interesting things about a person, reported

At the time, Hugh said, "If I was, I would be," when he was asked if he was gay. Adding, "I don’t think – it’s to me not the most interesting thing about a person anyway, but ah - I do get frustrated for Deb, cause I see Deb go 'Ah, this is crazy'." 

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At the interview was his wife, Deborra-Lee Furness, and she, too, was frustrated by all the rumors. She told the publication that if he was gay, he would be gay, but she finds the whole questioning of his sexuality both annoying and offensive. 

"It has gotten so out of whack," Deborra-Lee said, adding, "yeah, it’s annoying, because it’s not true." 

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Hugh and Deborra-Lee have been married for 25 years and parent two adopted children together. They've been inseparable since they met on the set of the Australian TV series Correlli back in 1995.

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Hugh addressed the rumors again in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, blaming the internet for the endless gay rumors. 

"Just recently, it bugs her," he said of the online rumors and how these affect his wife. "She goes: 'It's big. It's everywhere!'" Hugh added. 

It seems like Deborra-Lee had enough of the rumors and she addressed it again.

According to the DailyMail, Deborra-Lee has grown tired of the gay rumors that follow herself and her husband and said they're "mean-spirited."

"I see these magazines and they're so mean-spirited," she said, adding, "I hope people realise it's all made up." 

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"[Hugh's] been gay for so many years, I was gay too when I did [the 1988 film] Shame. They were shocked when I got married." She compared calling Hugh gay to calling Elton John straight, suggesting it's not right to speculate and make ridiculous statements about someone's sexuality. "It's just wrong. It's like someone saying to Elton John, 'Oh he's straight.' I'm sure he'd be pissed!"

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There's another phrase that Deborra-Lee has heard over and over since marrying Hugh, and this one bothers her a lot, too. Speaking on Anh’s Brush With Fame, she said she's tired of hearing how "lucky" she is simply because she's married to Hugh.

"Luck! Like I won a chook raffle," she joked. "People don’t realize that it’s actually rude to say that. Lucky because he’s a stud muffin and all that … but that’s showbiz and Hollywood and the brand of Hugh Jackman."
