Who is Dr Derrick Todd married to? Allegations explored as Brigham and Women's doctor is fired

Dr. Derrick Todd has been fired from Brigham and Women's Hospital. He was laid off following several anonymous complaints against him, according to Boston 25 News.

Dr. Derrick was a rheumatologist at Brigham and Women’s Rheumatology Center at Faulkner Hospital. Before his termination in July, he was placed on administrative leave as the investigation in his case was taking place. He is under investigation for s**ually assaulting multiple patients.

Dr. Charles Morris, Brigham’s chief medical officer and senior vice president for medical affairs, spoke about Dr. Derrick's termination and said that they received two anonymous complaints against Derrick.

Morris also released a statement about this case, where he said,

"Providing high-quality care in a safe environment is our top priority. After receiving two anonymous complaints about Dr. Derrick Todd, we immediately launched an investigation and then placed Dr. Todd on administrative leave once we learned more. We made a decision to terminate his employment after the conclusion of that initial investigation."

According to the Boston Globe, Dr. Derrick is facing a lawsuit for allegedly performing not medically indicated exams like pelvic and breast examinations.

It is also worth noting that Dr. Derrick is married to Dr. Tina Elias-Todd, who is also a rheumatology specialist, and the couple claim that rheumatology is a family affair for them.

Dr. Tina Elias-Todd and Dr. Derrick Todd have been married for almost 30 years

Dr. Tina Elias-Todd and Dr. Derrick Todd have been married for three decades now and are parents to two kids. Dr. Tina is an MD and a rheumatology specialist in Burlington, MA.

She has more than 23 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from the University of Massachusetts from the Boston Campus in 1999.

Dr. Tina has worked in several hospitals, like Lahey Hospital and Medical Center and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, among others. She met Derrick in 1995, when they were in college together. At that time, Derrick was her senior, and later they both got married.

Reports suggest that Dr. Derrick Todd was suspended for s**ually assaulting several patients

According to the Boston Globe, the investigation against Derrick Todd began after the hospital received complaints about his unethical behavior. He was eventually suspended for s**ually assaulting several patients.

Brigham and Women's Hospital Chief Medical Officer Charles Morris told WBZ-TV that they apologize to their patients for the harm caused by Derrick's behavior.

Morris further said,

"Right now, our focus is on our patients and caring for all of their needs, with the hope of ultimately restoring their trust in health care."

Dr. Derrick's lawyer denied the allegations against him and said that Todd had done nothing wrong.

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