Anne Hathaway cannibalism claim debunked as 2013 humain remains story goes viral on Twitter

On Saturday, June 25, an unidentified user tweeted that Ocean's 8 star Anne Hathaway had been associated with alleged cannibalism in a 2013 incident. The tweet (which has since been deleted) went viral on the platform, raking up over twenty thousand retweets within a span of two days.

The tweet surfaced when a user posted Elle France's June 2022 cover featuring the actress. Amongst a plethora of tweets in the reply section of the post that praised Hathaway, the controversial tweet claimed that human remains were found at the actress' house in 2013.

The controversial tweet by Girl with no problems (Image via hotpriestt/Twitter)

It must be noted that prior to this claim by this controversial tweet, there had been no allegations against Hathway that accused her of cannibalism. Furthermore, there have been no reports ever about her association with human remains that were allegedly found in her residence. Thus, it is without question that the claim made by the random tweet was completely falsified.

What did the tweet claim about Anne Hathaway's alleged association with cannibalism?

In reply to the tweet of a photo of Hathaway's appearance on the June 2022 cover of Elle France, a Twitter user who goes by Girl with no problems (@hotpriestt) claimed:

"every tweet about Anne Hathaway going viral like police didn't find human remains and evidence of cannibalism in her LA home that she sold in 2013."

While many netizens asked the user to prove their claims, Girl with no problems (@hotpriestt) replied to such demands with a photo of Hathaway's home and a cutout picture of the actress in the image. Upon further scrutiny of the claim, the user responded with:

"Believe women."

A day later, the user posted:

"Good Evening, 'Anne Hathaway is a cannibal' was a 24-hour sociological study on spreading misinformation online and was conducted by Harvard University. We are now complete with our study. Thank you for your time."

It must be noted that there has been no information from Harvard University about this alleged study or any hint toward the claims of Anne Hathaway's association with cannibalism. Surprisingly, the original user who spread such self-proclaimed misinformation deleted their account after the tweet went viral over the weekend.

Furthermore, it is difficult to believe that Harvard University would conduct such a study about deliberately spreading misinformation about a celebrity, which could be considered defamatory. It also brings up concerns of legality because if Harvard were to really conduct such a study about a star, then there might be a possible chance for the renowned person to sue for such attempts.

In addition, a 2019 article by Architectural Digest covered Anne Hathaway's residence in Los Angeles. This further proves that the report of Hathaway's house being sold in 2013 is inaccurate.

Netizens react to claims of Anne Hathaway's association with cannibalism

Following the since-deleted tweet's virality, many followers mocked the user's attempt to spread such absurd disinformation about the actress. Numerous users came to the actress' support and defended the 39-year-old Brooklyn native against such claims.

Meanwhile, a few tweets mocked the disinformation and pointed out the absurdity of such claims about the actress.

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