7 Little Johnstons Finale Recap 06/20/23: Season 13 Episode 10 Romance or Roommates?

7 Little Johnstons Finale Recap 06/20/23: Season 13 Episode 10 "Romance or Roommates?"

Tonight on TLC America’s largest known little family, 7 Little Johnstons returns with an all-new Tuesday, June 13, 2023, episode and we have your 7 Little Johnstons recap below. On tonight’s 7 Little Johnstons Season 13 Episode 10 “Romance or Roommates?,” as per the TLC synopsis,“The Johnstons come together on the court for a game of basketball. Trent and Amber celebrate Trent’s weight loss with a boudoir photo shoot. Elizabeth has a heart-to-heart with Amber about her relationship with Brice.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our 7 Little Johnstons recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s 7 Little Johnstons, with Trent working on his fitness, the family thought it best to join him. They couldn’t afford to gain weight either. They were all little people and have to take their health as well as their fitness seriously. They also knew that it would be easier for Trent if he didn’t have to do it all alone.

Which was why they decided to play basketball. They all thought it would be a great idea to sign up for basketball and they rented the gym down at their local rec center. There was six of them. They split up into teams of three. The girls vs the boys. They even came up with cool names and they got to have fun.

They also talked afterwards. They talked about their goals for the new year. Tonight’s episode was taped several months ago, but all the same they still wanted to discuss their goals because they knew they wouldn’t all be together on the day.

The older kids were wanting to do something on their own. Elizabeth was going to be spending it with Brice. Only she mentioned that one of her goals was to hopefully still be living with Brice at the end of the year. Elizabeth was all set for Brice to live with her and now she’s finding out that reality doesn’t quite match the dream.

Elizabeth has expressed that she’s feeling disconnected from Brice. They weren’t fighting or having arguments. They were just living like roommates and she thought they would be living like boyfriend and girlfriend.

Moving in together sometimes feels like a mistake because of that. Elizabeth has gotten used to living on her own. She has a certain decorating style. She was like her mother in loving rustic chic. She didn’t want to put up Brice’s stuffed Deer head. She was tired of him making jokes about her snoring.

Elizabeth thought she would learn more about Brice after they moved in together. She’s now realizing there might be nothing else to learn. She was struggling with that and she wasn’t necessarily discussing the problem with Brice.

She was more or less keeping it to herself. She was probably worried that by doing so she might hurt his feelings and instead it made her feel like she couldn’t talk to him. Elizabeth now sees the new challenges of living together. It made her more understanding of her parents. Especially her mom.

Elizabeth sees how hard they must work at it to be able to live together for over twenty-five years. She’s told them that she wants what they have. She just didn’t say how bad things were with Brice. Elizabeth didn’t feel comfortable discussing that with her parents. She chose to go to her friends and her sister, Anna. Anna has been there for Elizabeth more than anyone. Anna could see her sister struggling and she goes over to her house to see Elizabeth a couple of times a week. Anna also doesn’t divulge what Elizabeth tells her to their parents.

Anna has herself been struggling with her mental health. She told her parents about it. They’ve been pretty understanding and they actively ask her to come over to the house more just to see her. Anna’s relationship with Amber has also been a lot better lately. Anna was less stressed. When she’s less stressed, she doesn’t feel the need to take out her frustrations on other people. It’s great that she sees that now for herself and that’s she worked on it. Anna’s relationship with everyone has since improved thanks to that.

Anna and Elizabeth later took their dad out to a tanning salon. Trent had lost some weight over the holiday season. They wanted him to feel better about showing off his body and so they got him his first all over tan. The tanning artist even contoured his stomach to make it look like he has a six pack. Trent wanted to look good because he and Amber were doing a boudoir photoshoot. They liked to keep things spicy after all those years together. They got to celebrate their new bodies after all the workouts, basketball, dancing, and just overall tremendous amount of work they did to get there.

They had fun with their photoshoot. They knew the fun was over when they talked to Jonah and he told them that he wants to move out. Jonah wants to save up enough to move out only he’s tried moving out once before. It didn’t work out for him. He struggled with his mental health. He struggled with being able to afford everything. His parents now believe he shouldn’t be living alone. They were hoping to push off his move until his girlfriend was finished with college. And that way he wouldn’t be living alone once she moves to Georgia, but he would also have someone willing to hold him to account.

And Elizabeth finally went to her mother for help. She’s given her relationship with Brice all that she has. She just doesn’t see a future for them anymore and so Amber thought them moving in together was great in the sense they figured out they weren’t compatible before getting married.

