Eric Sansam Cause of Death: A Mystery Unsolved

Eric Sansam, the owner of Wrap N Roll Moving, passed away on March 26, 2023, at the age of 30. His death has shocked and saddened his family, friends, and colleagues, who remember him as a self-made entrepreneur, a loving husband, and a doting father. However, the cause of his death remains unclear, as different reports have given conflicting accounts of what happened to him. In this article, we will try to shed some light on the mystery surrounding Eric Sansam’s cause of death.

Cardiac Arrest or Severe Illness?

According to some reports, Eric Sansam suffered a cardiac arrest that led to his death. A cardiac arrest is a sudden loss of heart function that stops the blood flow to the brain and other vital organs. It can be caused by various factors, such as heart disease, drug overdose, electric shock, or trauma. Cardiac arrest can be fatal if not treated within minutes with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or defibrillation.

However, other reports claim that Eric Sansam had been battling a severe illness for some time before his death. A severe illness is any condition that threatens the life or function of a person, such as cancer, stroke, kidney failure, or liver disease. Severe illness can cause various symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, or difficulty breathing. Severe illness can also lead to complications, such as infections, bleeding, organ failure, or coma.

Vehicle Accident or Natural Causes?

Another source of confusion about Eric Sansam’s cause of death is whether he died in a vehicle accident or due to natural causes. According to NAYAG News, Eric Sansam died in a vehicle accident that may have been the cause of his death. A vehicle accident is any collision involving a motorized vehicle and another object, such as another vehicle, a pedestrian, a cyclist, or an animal. Vehicle accidents can result in injuries, damages, or deaths.

However, according to GoFundMe, Eric Sansam was found unresponsive on March 26, 2023. This implies that he died due to natural causes rather than an external event. Natural causes are any factors that are not influenced by human intervention, such as aging, disease, or genetics. Natural causes can also include sudden deaths that occur without warning or explanation.


Eric Sansam’s cause of death is yet to be confirmed by his family. However, based on the available information, it seems that he may have died either from a cardiac arrest or a severe illness that he had been suffering from for some time. Alternatively, he may have died in a vehicle accident or due to natural causes that are still unknown. Regardless of the cause, his death has left a void in the lives of those who knew him and loved him. He will be deeply missed by his wife Adriana, his three children Emi (4), Jax (2), and Riley (1), and his Wrap N Roll Moving team. Rest in peace Eric Sansam.
