Oracle Apex pass multiple Values to another page

I want to pass the value of two items from an sql select to two page items in another page within my CARD_LINK. I want to do this with the function. It looks like:
apex_page.get_url(p_page => 360, p_items => 'P360_PERSON_ID,P360_PERSON_TYPE', p_values => ',e.type') CARD_LINK

That's the recommended way to do this, but in the other page (360) the values for the items are and e.type, not the real values given by the sql select.

Does anybody know help? Thanks

1 Answer

You can do like this:

apex_page.get_url( p_page => '11', p_clear_cache => '11', p_items => 'p11_id,p11_parent_id', p_values =>||','|| ) as some_link 
