Bitter Right-wing College Dropout Charlie Kirk Claims Michelle Obama, Joy Reid Got Into Harvar

Podcaster Charlie Kirk took to his platform to claim several prominent African American women stole their seats in Ivy League schools from more deserving “white people.”

The founder of the Turning Point USA conservative college activist group further asserted that people like Michelle Obama, Joy Reid and Ketanji Brown Jackson needed racial set-asides to gain their elite university admissions because they did not have “the brain processing power to otherwise be taken really seriously.”

On an episode of his “The Charlie Kirk Show” on the Real America’s Voice network, released on Thursday, July 13, he said, “If we would have said that Joy Reid and Michelle Obama and [Rep.] Sheila Jackson Lee and Ketanji Brown Jackson were affirmative action picks, we would have been called a racist.”

“But now they’re coming out, and they’re saying it for us. They’re coming out, and they’re saying, ‘I’m only here because of affirmative action.’”

Kirk continued to drag the women, stating that he and his listeners all know that they don’t “have the brain processing power to otherwise be taken really seriously.”

He’s still bitter he couldn’t hack it at community college.

— I’m out. (@mpiszkiewicz) July 13, 2023

“You had to go steal a white person’s slot to go be taken somewhat seriously,” he said. “We know, we know it’s very obvious to us that you were not smart enough to be able to get in on your own.”

Affirmative action, by definition, is a policy that aims to promote equal opportunities by providing intentional outreach to groups that have historically faced discrimination, according to Cornell Law School.

The policy was defined to “eliminate unlawful discrimination among applicants, remedy the results of such prior discrimination, and prevent such discrimination in the future” for candidates looking to go to school or work in certain professions or industries that have traditionally left people out based on race, creed, color, and national origin.

Reid explained how she benefitted and was disenfranchised by the policy.

“I got into Harvard only by Affirmative Action,” she confessed, saying she went to a high school that no one had ever heard of.

The MSNBC host said despite not having college test prep, she had good grades and SAT scores, which caught the attention of a Harvard recruiter.

“A Harvard recruiter flew to Denver, and I met up with her at the Village Inn Restaurant and did a pre-interview,” she said. “It was literally not saying we’re going to take an unqualified person and put them in Harvard. We’re gonna take a very qualified person, who we would never know existed, and put them in Harvard.”

She said this was also how Justice Jackson and Justice Clarence Thomas, who voted affirmative action down, made it to Harvard.

Reid continued saying the moment she arrived, people started to question why she was there, despite her qualifications.

Ironically, Kirk dropped out of his junior community college without ever earning a degree, according to The Dartmouth Review.

Kirk shared he once wanted to go to West Point, but was denied, blaming it on his theory that “a far less-qualified candidate of a different gender and a different persuasion” took his spot.
